Organizing our thoughts logically and the most persuasive manner. To successfully deliver our message, ones will organize their messages systematically, step by step to make the listener understand the message.
Tailoring the messages to the audience. Ones will think deeply trying to send the messages efficiently and show them how importance the issue to the people in that particular room.
Telling story for the maximum impact. Instead of telling directly the messages, ones usually built up some story telling, adjusting words and tone of voice to enhance the effectiveness of the messages.
Adapting to the listener feedback. Whenever we talk to someone, we will be aware with the person's verbal, facial, and physical reaction.
There are three (3) major differences between daily conversation and public speaking:
Public speaking is more highly structured.
It usually imposes strict time limitations on the speakers. In most cases, the situation does not allow listener to interrupt with question or commentary. The speaker must accomplish her or his purposes in the speech itself. In preparing the speech, the speaker must anticipate questions that might arise in the mind of listener and answers them. Consequently, public speaking demands mush more detailed planning and preparation than ordinary conversation.
Public speaking required more formal language.�
Slang, jargon and bad grammar have a little place in public speeches. The listeners usually react negatively to the speakers who do not elevate and polish their language when addressing the audience.
Public speaking requires different methods of delivery.
When conversing informally, most of the people talk quietly, interjects stock phrases such as "like" and "you know", adopt a casual posture and use what are called vocalized pauses ("uh," "er," "um"
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